Summer Academic Challenge Application 2025

    Program Dates: June 26 to July 24, 2025

    Summer Academic Challenge is a tuition-free four-week enrichment program for students going into grades 7 to 12. With an innovative Project-Based STEAM curriculum, students explore themes in math, science, technology, art, and communication, and see how the subjects they study in school play out in the world around them. Classes are project-based and require teamwork and collaboration. In addition to time on campus, whether in the classroom, lab, outdoors, or in the library, students attend workshops on writing and oral presentation skills, and participate in field trips and special events. Students participating in the program gain confidence, expand their interests, and become better prepared to meet their long-term academic goals. 2025 Summer Academic Challenge themes will be: 7th/8th: Spaces for Everyone: An Adventure in Home Design; 9th/10th: Ripple Effect: Exploring the Connection between Salmon, Water, and the Community of Puget Sound; and 11th/12th: Keep it Movin'.


    • Students must be currently attending a public school.
    • Students must be from underrepresented minoritized groups, first generation college students*, and/or from underrepresented socio-economic status as determined by the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch program.

    To learn more about the program and eligibility, visit the Summer Academic Challenge website.

    To fill out this application, you will need the following:

    • Parent/Guardian contact information (email and phone)
    • Reference contact information (email and phone for two or three people who would be willing to write a recommendation letter on your behalf; MUST be a core teacher, coach, advisor, and/or counselor)
    • A digital copy of your transcript (high school students) or your most recent report card (middle school students) for uploading
    • Your essay for uploading (see the essay questions at the bottom of the application) (TO BE COMPLETED BY STUDENT AND NOT PARENT/GUARDIAN)

    Once you submit this application, your parent and your references will be asked to submit information as well. Make sure your references know they will be receiving email from us. The deadline for student applications is June 1, 2025. Parent Section of the Application and Reference Letters are due June 8, 2025. Both the student and parent sections must be submitted for your application to be considered complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

    For more information contact the Access Programs Summer Academic Challenge office at 253.879.2827 or email us at

    *First generation means that your parent(s) did not complete a 4-year college or university degree, regardless of other siblings' or family members' level of education.
