Matelich Scholarship Application

    Selection Process
    In addition to your scholarship application, the Matelich Committee will review your admission application materials.

    This scholarship application and your complete admission application are due by Dec 1. Finalists will be selected by a faculty committee and invited to interview on campus in late-February. Recipients will be selected by the committee and notified of their selection on or about April 1.
    Matelich Essay
    When selecting Matelich Scholars, the committee looks for more than academic achievement and potential for intellectual growth. Matelich Scholars are motivated to serve purposes bigger than themselves. Their focused intensity, personal drive, and strong moral compass allow them to be leaders. Even before graduation from high school, they have demonstrated their focus and commitment to improving their communities.

    Please write a 750 word essay that answers the following questions: 
    • How have you demonstrated your personal drive, commitment to your community, and leadership philosophy? Please cite specific leadership roles and activities, but avoid simply summarizing your résumé.
    • How will Puget Sound help you develop your leadership skills and achieve your goals, both in college and beyond?
    Files must be saved as a Microsoft Word document or PDF to be uploaded.

    Your Information
    Please use the same email address and name that you used on your Common Application.
    In addition to this application, you must submit your Common Application and all other required materials on the application checklist to be considered for the Matelich Scholarship by Dec. 1. You can submit this application before you submit your Common Application.